WELCOME to Tottenville HS Chemistry!
RegChem LABS
LAB: Concentration vs. Reaction Time
LAB: Mole Relationships
Make-up labs are given every Friday, Pd 9 in A216, after tutoring is done.
LAB: Bunsen Burner. You MUST printout & read this lab before going to lab. ALSO, circle the keywords! If not, you lose a point for unpreparedness (the lab is 4pts max).
LAB: Techniques. Printout, read, circle & label. After lab, answer the last question using a flow chart (as done in class for Aim: How do we separate the components of a mixture?)
LAB: Changes. Read carefully & circle keywords before going to lab.
LAB: Cooling Curve of Lauric Acid. Printout, read & annotate!
LAB: Specific Heat of Metal
LAB: Liquid Nitrogen
LAB: Heat of Fusion
LAB: Graphing 1
LAB: Graphing 2
LAB: Graphing 3
LAB: Graphing 4
LAB: FormulaWritingMakeUp. Do as many as you need. Enjoy!
LAB:Reaction Types. PLEASE read & circle key terms.
LAB: Composition Hydrate
RCN 2015
RCH 2015
RCA 2015
APN 2015
APH 2015
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