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Elemental Funkiness by Mark Rosengarten

Welcome to The Periodic Table Videos! I chose the following videos from a compilation done by The University of Nottingham. If you want to watch them all or if you are having difficulty seeing them from this website, there's a link at the bottom of the page. I have chosen 35 videos. You must watch 12 of them - H, Na, K, Mg, Fe, Cu, C, N, O, F, Cl, & He. Jot down some notes for each element as you watch the videos (neatly,in pen) then take the quizstar quiz, Periodic Videos(Must Do). The questions are simple, but you'll have to watch the videos to know the answers. Without notes, I won't grant you credit for taking the quiz. If you want to watch the rest, then do the same and take the extra credit quiz, Periodic Videos (Extra). Again, no notes = no credit.

If you are interested in seeing more videos of the elements, just click-on this link and pick an element. Have fun & HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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