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Archive Spring 2014 HW's

HW#1 covalent bond 1 (2/4/14)

HW#2 covalent bond 2 (2/5/14)

HW#3 bond polarity (2/6/14)

HW#4 molecular geometry (2/7/14)

HW#5 dipoles (2/10/14)

HW#6 more dipoles (2/11/14)

HW#7 sample test m.c. (2/12/14)

HW#8 PRESIDENT WEEK ASSIGNMENT: Take quizstars 10, 11, and 12 and fill in video notes.Study these notes!Quiz on IMAs and Types of Solids the day you get back! (2/14/14)

HW#9 criss-cross (2/25/14)

HW#10 Polys (2/26/14)

HW#11 naming ionic compounds (2/27/14)

HW#12 molecular formulas (2/28/14)

HW#12 CONTINUED: Questions from Review Book in prep for upcoming exam (2/28/14)

HW#13 formula mass (3/5/14)

HW#14 percent composition (3/7/14)

HW#15 EF/MF (3/10/14)

HW#16 mole hw1 (3/11/14)

HW#17 Balance Act 2 (3/13/14)

HW#18 Do Quizstar Pg 14 and fill in the Pg14 notes. Quizstar closes Sunday,March 15 at 11:59pm.

HW#19 Chem Math Sample Test Part 1 (3/17/18)

HW#20 Read pages 118-120 in your review book. On pages 120-121, do questions 1-12. Please brin gin the review book for a hw check and show all work. (3/20/14)

HW#21 LDL (3/21/14)

HW#22 solubility factors day 2 (3/25/14)

HW#23 solubility curves (3/26/14)

HW#24 Review Book Page 123 #s 13-23. Please bring in your review books tomorrow. (3/27/14)

HW#25 Do Quizstar Pg 16 and fill in the Pg16 notes. Quizstar closes Sunday,March 30 at 11:59. (3/28/14)

HW#26 Molarity (4/1/14)

HW#27 Read pgs 124-126 in Review Book. Do questions 24-33 on pg 128. Show all work on a seperate sheet. (4/2/14)

HW#28 solutions sample test (4/3/14) Only do questions 1-14 on the front side of the sample test

HW#29 Do Quizstar Pg 17 and fill in the Pg17 notes. Quizstar closes Sunday,April 6 at 11:59. (4/4/14)

Extra Credit!(4/7/14)
Go to http://mrhauptman.tripod.com and register for his "100 Ways to Pass the Chemistry Regents" videos. Print out a pciture of the form that you filled out and show it to me. If you do this, 5points will be added to your solutions exam.

HW#30 Review Book: rd pgs 136 - 137, do questions 1-10 on pgs 137-138. Bring in the book tomorrow! (4/8/14)

HW#31 reaction rate2 Q1 to 14 (4/9/14)

HW#32 reaction rate2 Q15-20 (4/10/14)

HW#33 PEDiag1 (4/11/14)

(1)Do the Spring Break QUIZSTAR; it's a review of material that we've covered since September (Regents Review Notespgs 1-15 & 27).It counts as 2 quizzes.It will be open on Wed (4/16)til the end of the Spring Break (4/23,12am)Take your time doing it! 
(2) Do Graphing Lab #1 (Print it out from the Lab page on this website); it is 3 pages; do all the questions; just sketch the graphs for the 3rd page by referring yo uour notes & reference Tables. Don't forget to label the axes. Do it neatly and carefully;this counts as Lab #23.
(3) BUY THE BARRON'S RED CHEMISTRY REVIEW (about $8). We'll be using it when you get back.

HW#34 Read pages 138-140 in your Review book. Do problems 11-17 on pages 140-141. Please bring in book for hw review tomorrow. (4/24/14)

HW#35 Heats of Reaction (4/25/14)

-Do Quizstar Pg 18 and fill in the Pg18 notes. Quizstar closes Sunday,April 27at 11:59pm.
-Bring in red Barron's review book for Monday

HW#36 Eq Day 1 (4/28/14)

In Red Barron's Book
Do: June2010 and June 2011 questions in Section 5: Physical Behavior of Matter. Exclude v.8,v.9, v.10. If you need help, tutoring is available Mon, Tues and Fri. Quiz on these questions Monday, May 5.

HW#37 shift1 multiple choice (4/28/14)

HW#38 In Orange Review Book Read pages 142-147. Do questions#18-30 on pages 147-148. (4/30/14)

Please bring in your quizstar notes for Pgs14, 15, 16,17, and 18. Last day to bring them in is Friday.

HW#39 entropy questions (5/1/14)

HW#40 Do Quizstar Pg19 and fill in the Pg19 notes. Quizstar closes Sunday,May4 at 11:59pm.(5/2/14)

In Red Barron's Book
Do: June2010 and June 2011 questions in Periodic Table. If you need help, tutoring is available Mon, Tues and Fri. Quiz on these questions next Tues.

HW#41 acids (5/7/14)

HW#42 bases (5/8/14)

HW#43 In Orange Review Book: Do questions1-13odd on pgs177-178. Also do questions61-68 on pg 187. (5/9/14)

Do Quizstar Pg 20 and fill in the Pg20 notes. Quizstar closes Sunday,May 11 at 11:59pm.

HW#44 In Orange Review Book: Do questions1-13 even on pgs177-178. Also do questions71-75 on pg 187. (5/13/14)

In Red Barron's Book
Do: June2010 and June 2011 questions in Chemical Bonding and Moles. If you need help, tutoring is available Mon, Tues and Fri. Quiz on these questions next Tues.

HW#45 In the Orange Review Book. Do questions 20-36even on page 181. Also do questions 46, 48, 50, 52 on p185.(5/14/14)

HW#46 titration (5/15/14)

HW#47 A/B sample test (5/16/14)

Do Quizstar Pg 21 and fill in the Pg21 notes. Quizstar closes Sunday,May 18 at 11:59pm

Acid/Base Sample Test explained

HW#48 redox (5/20/14)

HW#49 assigning oxid numbers (5/21/14)

HW#50 In Orange Review Book. Pgs 160-165 EVEN. Please bring in book for tomorrow. (5/22/14)

Do Quizstar Pg 22 and fill in the Pg22 notes. Quizstar closes Monday,May 26 at 11:59pm

HW#51 Do questions on today's handout

HW#52 (5/27/14)

HW#53 Redox Sample Test (5/28/14)

Redox sample test explained (5/29/14)

Do Quizstar Pg 23 and fill in the Pg23 notes. Quizstar closes Sunday, June 1 at 11:59pm

HW#54 hydrocarbons(6/2/14)

HW#55 isomers multiple choice (6/6/14)

HW#56 Do Quizstar pg 24 (If you forgot to do so this past weekend). Study for Barron'd Quiz tomorrow on Redox June 2010 & 2011 (6/9/14).

HW#57 Orange Review book, pgs 204-206, questions 34-48,omit 35, 39, 41 & 42. (6/10/14)
NOTE: Quizstar REVIEW NOTES will be inspected on Thursday (pgs 20-24).

HW#58 Orange review book, pgs 208-209, Q49-62. Bring it in!(6/11/14).

HW#59 Do Quizstar pg 25+26. It closes Monday, June16th at 11:59pm. (I think these will help for the final on Friday, June 13th so you might want to do these before-hand ).

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